Appointment / Information, Single Number :

+216 27 508 765 - +216 25 290 490

The Tunis Dialysis Center team

| Providing you with high quality care and
Make your dialysis sessions as enjoyable as possible,
Is our main goal.


Professor Aziz EL MATRI
Doctor of Medicine, Nephrologist
Chairman of the CONECT Professional Dialysis Group

| A High-level medical assistance and well-being are our priorities.

Reception possibilities
and recreational circuits

With the collaboration of agencies specialized in the organization of trips for dialysis and associations of patients with kidney failure, you will be pleasantly received.

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The Tunisian Dialysis Center - Tunidial - works for three sessions per day including a night session that starts at 5 pm.

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The dialysis center is contracted : both national and foreign patients are covered
by the Health Insurance.

You are the center of our concerns.
This is a rule of conduct of the Tunisian Dialysis Center
- Tunidial -

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